Going Solar: A Step-by-Step Guide to Applying for the Solar PV Grant

Are you tired of high energy bills? Do you want to make a positive impact on the environment? If so, it might be time to consider installing solar photovoltaic panels on your home.

Not only will you save money on your energy bills, but you will also be generating renewable electricity and reducing your carbon footprint.

At Green House, we specialize in solar panel installation and can help you take advantage of the Solar PV grant available to homeowners in Ireland. In this post, we will explain the grant in detail, and guide you through the process of applying for it.

About the Solar PV Grant

The Solar PV grant is available to all homeowners, including private landlords, whose homes were built and occupied before 2021. The grant is paid on a pro rata basis, which means that the amount you receive will depend on the size of the solar panel system you install. For example, for a 2.5 kWp system, the grant value would be €1,950.

The grant is broken down into two tiers. The first tier provides €900 per kWp up to 2kWp, which means that for a 2kWp solar panel system, you would receive €1,800. The second tier provides €300 for every additional kWp up to 4kWp, with a total grant capped at €2,400. This means that for a 3kWp system, you would receive €2,100, and for a 4kWp system, you would receive the maximum grant of €2,400.

Before You Apply

Before you apply for the grant, it’s important to do your research and make sure that solar panels are the right choice for your home. You should consider the planning considerations, estimate the payback period, and make sure that your home is ready for renewable energy.

Planning considerations include things like whether your roof is suitable for solar panels, whether your home is in a conservation area or has a listed status, and whether you need planning permission. The payback period is the amount of time it takes for the cost of the solar panel system to be offset by the savings on your energy bills. This will depend on factors like the size of your system, the amount of electricity you use, and the price you pay for electricity.

Finally, you should make sure that your home is energy efficient before installing solar panels. This will ensure that you get the most out of your solar panel system.

How to Apply

Once you have done your research and decided that solar panels are the right choice for your home, you can start the process of applying for the Solar PV grant. The process is broken down into seven steps:

Step 1: Find and appoint a registered SEAI solar PV company

The first step is to find a registered SEAI solar PV company and get a quote from them. You should get quotes from a few different companies to make sure that you are getting a fair price. Once you have chosen a company, you should agree on a formal contract with them to get the works done.

Step 2: Apply to SEAI for a grant offer

Once you have chosen a solar PV company, you can apply to SEAI for a grant offer. You should not start the works until you have received the grant offer, as this offer will be valid for eight months. It’s important to note that incorrect bank details can delay your grant payment, so make sure that you enter your BIC and IBAN correctly.

Step 3: Installer applies to ESB Networks

Before your solar PV system can be installed, your installer must apply to ESB Networks to connect the system to the electricity network. This application process takes at least 4 weeks or 20 working days, so make sure that you factor this into your timeline.

Step 4: Install solar PV panels

Once you have received your grant offer and your installer has applied to ESB Networks, you can proceed with the installation of your solar PV panels. You will need to either pay the solar PV company directly or arrange a payment agreement with them.

Step 5: Arrange a post works BER

Before your grant can be processed, you must get a post works Building Energy Rating (BER) carried out. You will need to engage a BER assessor to do this. Many homeowners forget this step and end up waiting longer for their grant payment, so make sure that you get your BER arranged as soon as possible after your solar PV has been installed.

Step 6: The company submits evidence of works to SEAI

Your solar PV company will give you the documentation related to your installation, and they will submit copies to SEAI electronically. SEAI can only process your grant payment once your solar PV company has uploaded all of the required documentation, so make sure that your solar PV company uploads all documentation as soon as possible after the installation.

Step 7: SEAI process the claim

Applications for payment can only be processed once all documentation has been uploaded, and the post works BER is complete and published by your BER assessor. From this point onwards, please allow between 4 to 6 weeks for payment, with additional time if an inspection is required.

Compare Home Energy Options

In addition to the Solar PV grant, there are a number of other options available to homeowners who want to upgrade their homes to be more energy efficient. These options include individual energy upgrade grants, a One Stop Shop service, and a fully funded energy upgrade for qualifying homeowners.

The individual energy upgrade grants are part-funded with SEAI grants, and homeowners manage their upgrades, including contractor selection, grant application, contractor works, and follow-up BER. This option is suitable for homeowners and private landlords.

The fully funded energy upgrade is for qualifying homeowners who are in receipt of certain welfare benefits. The upgrade is fully funded by SEAI and is managed by SEAI, including a home survey, contractor selection, contractor works, and follow-up BER.


Installing solar photovoltaic panels on your home is a great way to generate renewable electricity, reduce your carbon footprint, and save money on your energy bills. The Solar PV grant is available to homeowners in Ireland, and at Green House, we can help you take advantage of this grant.

By following the seven-step process outlined above, you can apply for the grant and start enjoying the benefits of solar energy in your home. Additionally, there are other options available to homeowners who want to upgrade their homes to be more energy efficient.

Contact us at Green House to learn more about how we can help you with your solar panel installation and energy efficiency needs.

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